
This individual learning portal is specific to you and includes these features:

All Training Catalog: View all courses available for you to register. You may sort by the following: Categories, Format, Type or use the Advanced Search to find more information.  Courses are free or at a minimal fee per user/per course and are listed on each course listing along with more information. 

Trainings by Category: A list of trainings by category including job roles, workplace and technical skills

Cart: View the courses you have registered but not purchased. You may add courses to the cart and checkout once you have received approval from your cooperative. Payment will not need to be made for these courses upon registration. For courses with a fee, the cooperative will be invoiced at the end of the month for all users/courses purchased the previous month.

Dashboard: View the courses you have purchased, view your progress and see recordings of previous live sessions.

Profile: View your profile and mark the categories you are most interested in.

Recommended: Once you pick your interest categories in your profile, you can see courses that are tailored for your specific interests.
Contact us if you have any questions!